If you love your furniture, it will look beautiful for many years, but it takes some care and attention. Here are a few tips and tricks to keep the love affair going strong!
Dining Tables:
These take a lot of abuse from normal use—hot plates, spills, and heavy objects that get dropped. By all means, show off that beautiful tabletop but be sure to use heavily padded placemats for hot and heavy serving dishes that can melt the finish. Regular cleaning is a must.
Like dining tables, chairs really suffer the ravages of use. Even the most carefully constructed will eventually loosen up and get wobbly. Antique chairs were originally assembled using hide glue which, while perfectly good in the day, is probably dried out by now, become brittle, and has lost it’s sticking power. But don’t despair, the adhesives of today are more than up to the task! Be sure to check your vintage chairs regularly to see that they are still solidly held together with no loose parts. If you detect something loosening, get the chair re-glued before greater damage occurs.
Most furniture and wooden elements in your home can be cleaned with a very mild soap on a damp cloth. Follow the cleaning with a light polish—I recommend lemon-oil based polishes. Spray on a soft cloth first and then apply to the furniture. This will provide a measure of protection against the natural oils in human skin that can actually damage the finish.
What’s That Wood?